Frequency of Obesity and Overweight in General Population
Objective: To determine frequency of obesity and overweight indoor patients in tertiary care hospital and to compare the results with international studies. Study Design: Cross Sectional Descriptive Case Series. Settings: In outdoor patients of medicine department Allied hospital Faisalabad. Duration: 6 months from 01-08-2018 to 31-01 -2019. Methodology: Adult patients of either gender were included in the study. Patients of bed bound and on chemotherapy patients were excluded. Nonprobability consecutive sampling technique was used. After enrolment of patients according to criterion an informed consent was taken. Body weight and height were taken and BMI was calculated. Results: We Included 400 patients. Age ranged from 12-80 years (mean =40.50±15.2years). Out of these 400 patients 58.3% patients were found to have overweight and obesity. There were 261 females and 139 males. Age of patients ranged 12-80 years (mean = 40.50±15.2 years). Out of 400 patients 58.3% had obesity amongst which 70.4% were female and 29.6% were males and P value regarding gender distribution was (0.032) very significant showing strong association of gender and obesity and graph2 is showing that more than two third obese patients were females. In our data of 400 patients majority of patients in age above 30 years were obese and P value regarding age distribution was (0.001). very significant indicating important relationship between age and obesity. Conclusion: obesity and overweight are common in Pakistani population and needs to be considered in most of patients in outdoor patients especially females who are more predispose to having obesity and either gender with age above 30 years.