Processing & Publication Fee
Processing and Publication charges from authors are taken to ensure their Open Access availability for the readers.
Title of Account: APMC
Account Number: 14667900468103
IBAN Number: PK32HABB0014667900468103
Name of the Bank: Habib Bank Ltd, PMC branch, Faisalabad Pakistan
Editing Charges (Non-refundable) Rs. 5000/- For overseas (US$ 100)
It will cover the following aspects of the manuscript.
• Focus on the logic and flow of the manuscript's content.
• Manuscript formatting meets the requirements.
• Check for consistency, completeness, and structure.
• Language Check
After Acceptance of the article: publication fee of Rs. 7000/- will be charged from the corresponding author. One complimentary copy will be issued to the main author and for any additional copy Rs. 2000/- (US $ 200) will be charged. If editor attested copy will be required only Rs. 1000/- will be charged. US$ 20/- per copy for overseas. Payment for additional copies should be added in the publication charges.
Fast Track Processing of Manuscript: The duration of the fast-track processing is approximately 40 days. If the author wants to get his/her manuscript through fast-track, He/she should clearly mention it on the cover letter. Rs. 10,000 additional fees will be charged (other than the processing fee of Rs. 5000/- US$ 100 for overseas) at the time of submission (Due to the increasing cost of publication, the management has imposed a fast-track fee of Rs. 10,000/- US$ 200 for overseas). The fast-track charges are non-refundable. The rest of the terms and conditions will remain constant. There is no guarantee of acceptance or publication fast-track. Authors are requested not to opt for fast-track processing unless it is extremely essential.