Superior Sagital Sinus Thrombosis-A Case Report
A forty years old lady on 15th day of her puerperium presented in the emergency ward of Allied hospital Faisalabad with severe headache left sided hemiparesis and focal fits. On examination she had upper motor neuron signs on left side and bilateral papilloedema. CT scan brain showed multiple small areas of haemorrhages in a large infarct. CT venography showed superior sagital sinus thrombosis. She was anticoagulated. Cerebral venous thrombosis is a rare cause of CVA. It can be caused by number of congenital and acquired prothrombotic states and drugs. It usually presents with headache focal neurological deficit, fits, altered conscious level and papilloedema. Diagnosis is confirmed on CT venography and magnetic resonance venoghraphy. Patients suffering from this disease are treated with anticoagulants