Diagnosing Gossypiboma of Abdomen
- To analyze the imaging findings of Gossypiboma ( Retained intra abdominal post operative sponge)
- To propose the surgeons with a solution.
Patients and Methods: Five proven patients , from June 2001 till June 2006 with intra abdominal sponge after various operation were retrospectively evaluated for the findings on plain x ray, ultrasound and CT scans. Results: Findings found on various modalities are as under Simple X-ray findings were normal in one patient ( 20%) , showed haze in one patient (20%) and specks of contained air in three patients (60%). Ultrasound findings were of a mass with echogenic area having acoustic shadowing, threepatients had surrounding thickened walls and two had surrounding free fluid. T showed air filled mass in four patients with unusual pattern of air in 1 patient and all five of them had surrounding fat stranding surrounding the air filled mass. Conclusion: Among imaging modalities CT is the best modality if there is suspicion of retained sponge/guaze. It is highly recommended that during surgical procedure such things should be slightly soaked with aseptic iodinated contrast so that imaging features are readily accepted by all, including the surgeons or newer version of guaze piece with small internal metallic strip should be used.