Role of Modified Triple Test Scoring System for Evaluation of Palpable Breast Masses in Women Under Age 40

  • Afsar A Bhatti Associate Professor of Surgery Postgraduate Medical Institute Lahore
  • Muhammad M Gilani Assistant Professor of Surgery Postgraduate Medical Institute Lahore
  • Muhammad Tanveer Anwar Assistant Professor of Surgery Postgraduate Medical Institute Lahore
  • Sikander H Gondal Assistant Professor of Surgery Postgraduate Medical Institute Lahore
  • Zia Ullah Senior Registrar of Surgery Jinnah Hospital, Lahore
Keywords: Modified triple test score (MTTS), Palpable breast masses, Benign, Malignant


This prospective analytical clinical study was carried out to determine if a modification of the triple test score in which ultrasonography is substituted for mammography could be developed to rapidly and accurately assess breast mass in women under 40 years of age. Total hundred women were included in this study. Women younger than 40 years with palpable masses were evaluated utilizing modified triple test scoring. Surgical oncologist performed physical examination radiologist performed ultrasonography and cytopathologist did FNAC. All the patients were below age 40; about 50% were between 25-29 years. The youngest patients were of 20 years of age. Seventy-five patients were married and 25 were unmarried. Eleven % of the patients gave history of breast cancer in one of their family members. All the patients have a breast lump; most of the patients found their lumps incidentally while palpating them; however 38% of the patients had associated pain. Weight loss and anorexia was present in 3(3%) cases. Most of the patients

53(53%) presented with breast problem of less than three month duration, 26(26%) presented with complaints of 4-6 months duration while 21(21%) having duration of complaints more than 6 months. Fifty-five cases (55%) of breast lump were found on left side as compared to right 45(45%). We thus conclude that to minimize delay and, therefore, reduce anxiety in majority of patients presenting to hospital and to avoid unnecessary out patient follow up and open biopsy, a policy of modified triple assessment (where ultrasonography is substituted for mammography especially female under the age of 40 years) with immediate reporting to provide a “one stop” diagnostic service proved highly beneficial for patients. The triple test score thus modified and named as modified triple test score (MTTS).

How to Cite
Bhatti, A. A., Gilani, M. M., Anwar, M. T., Gondal, S. H., & Ullah, Z. (2010). Role of Modified Triple Test Scoring System for Evaluation of Palpable Breast Masses in Women Under Age 40. Annals of Punjab Medical College, 4(2), 128-132.