Comparison of Three Port and Two Port Technique of Silicone Oil Removal

  • Muhammad Arif Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology PMC / Allied Hospital, Faisalabad
  • Qamar Mehboob Assistant Professor, Physiology Independent Medical College, Faisalabad
  • Muhammad Younis Tahir Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology Bahawal Victoria Hospital, QAMC, Bahawalpur
Keywords: Silicone Oil Removal, Visual Acuity, Glaucoma


Objective: This study was conducted to see whether the three port or two port technique is better to remove the silicone oil in patients who have undergone pars plana vitrectomy and silicone oil injection for the treatment of retinal detachment more than three months ago. Study Design: It was a prospective interventional study. Place & Period of study: Conducted in Ophthalmology Departments of Mayo Hospital, KEMU Lahore and Allied Hospital, Punjab Medical College Faisalabad from July 2012 to July 2014. Materials and Methods: Total fifty patients were included in this study, aging from 19 to 71 years with an average of 43.71 years. They had undergone pars plana vitrectomy with silicone oil endotamponade, more than three months ago. Prophylactic 3600 laser had been applied to all these cases. These patients were divided into two main groups, A and B, each group comprising of twenty five patients. In group A silicone oil was removed by using three port technique and in group B by two port technique. All patients were examined on the first postoperative day and then after one month. The final best corrected visual acuitywas checked postoperatively by Snellen’s chart one month after silicone oil removal. Results: On first postoperative day, in group A all patients had attached retina, no silicone oil bubble seen in vitreous cavity while there were few microdroplets of silicone oil. After one month best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of operated side was on average 0.17, from minimum 0.03 to maximum 0.33. In group B all patients had attached retina, slightly more microdroplets of silicone oil in the vitreous cavity. Two patients (8%) had a part of silicone oil remaining behind in the vitreous cavity. So we had to operate again these patients to remove the last bubble of silicone oil. After one month BCVA of operated side was on average 0.12, from minimum 0.05 to maximum 0.25. Conclusion: The three port technique of silicone oil removal looks to be a better one. The ultimate best corrected visual acuity was slightly better with this technique and there were few microdroplets of silicone oil in vitreous cavity as compared with two port technique.

How to Cite
Arif, M., Mehboob, Q., & Tahir, M. Y. (2015). Comparison of Three Port and Two Port Technique of Silicone Oil Removal. Annals of Punjab Medical College, 9(2), 89-94.