Study of Mortality Patterns among Hospitalized Patients in Public Sector Tertiary Care Hospitals Faisalabad, Pakistan

  • Muhammad Arif Ali Professor of Community Medicine, Independent Medical College, Faisalabad
  • Ayesha Arif Demonstrator Community Medicine, Independent Medical College Faisalabad
  • Tehreem Fatima House Officer, Allied Hospital, Faisalabad
  • Muhammad Moaaz Arif Trainee FCPS Psychiatry Faisalabad Medical University, Faisalabad
Keywords: Mortality trends, DHQ Hospital Faisalabad Pakistan, Wards, Cause of death, Communicable and non- communicable diseases


Background: In human life, probability of death to occur is 100%. Statistics on patterns and causes of death in a community reflect burden of disease and its related determinants. They are often employed to indicate priorities for health actions and allocation of resources. They also provide basis for further epidemiological research. In many cases the cause of death is predictable and largely preventable through pro- active multi-disciplinary coherent strategies. Objective: To study mortality trends and its determinants in patients admitted in public sector tertiary care hospitals in Faisalabad. Methods: This study is descriptive cross sectional by retrospective examination of medical record of all deaths which occurred in hospitalized patients at DHQ Hospital Faisalabad. Period: 1st January 2016 to 31st December 2016. During this period the record of 7359 expired patients was studied and analyzed. The study variables were socio-demographic, department wise admission and mortality, hospital stay and primary cause of death. Statistical analysis was done in percentages and other relevant tests to know the significance of association among various variables. Results: In total 178290 indoor patient admissions, 7359 patient expired (4.13%). Mortality in hospital admitted children age group was 12.59% while in old age group 5.27%. In study period of one year, number of male deaths were 5154(70.09%) and female were 2205 (29.96 %). Average period of stay in Hospital was 1 to 2 days in acute cases while 1 to 2 weeks in chronic cases. The main killer diseases ranked in order of proportionate death rates, were liver diseases (Hepatitis), Pediatric birth asphyxia & infections, RTA cardiac diseases (MI & CVA) suicidal poisoning Pulmonary diseases tetanus septisemmia/infectious diseases & rest of the other groups. Conclusion: This study concluded mortality prevalence 4.13%% while primary cause of mortality mostly pertained to infectious diseases, accounting for chronic liver disease, pneumonia/respiratory tract diseases, tetanus, septicemia and NCD like cardiovascular diseases, accidental injuries& poisoning. Therefore, we are facing dual burden of diseases CD & NCD. Health policy insight of mortality data and improved health care system can minimize these figures of mortality.

How to Cite
Ali, M. A., Arif, A., Fatima, T., & Arif, M. M. (2017). Study of Mortality Patterns among Hospitalized Patients in Public Sector Tertiary Care Hospitals Faisalabad, Pakistan. Annals of Punjab Medical College, 11(3), 238-242.