Impact of Work Overload on Nurses Performance in A Tertiary Care Hospital Lahore

  • Azil Naveed Post RN BSc Nursing Student at Saida Waheed FMH College of Nursing, Lahore Pakistan
  • Zambeel Farooq Nursing Lecturer, Saida Waheed FMH College of Nursing, Lahore Pakistan
  • Mariam Tariq Post RN BSc Nursing Student at Saida Waheed FMH College of Nursing, Lahore Pakistan
  • Alia Siddique Post RN BSc Nursing Student at Saida Waheed FMH College of Nursing, Lahore Pakistan
  • Hira Altaf Post RN BSc Nursing Student at Saida Waheed FMH College of Nursing, Lahore Pakistan
  • Naila Noreen Post RN BSc Nursing Student at Saida Waheed FMH College of Nursing, Lahore Pakistan
  • Misbah Zafar Director Academic Nursing at Saida Waheed FMH College of Nursing, Lahore Pakistan
Keywords: Nurses, Workload, Performance, Impact, Nursing


Background: Workload is increased by nurses' intellectual obligations as well as physical ones. Workload compromises worth of life in nurses. Nurses' performance needs up-to-date knowledge and virtuous managerial skills for patient safety and along with compassionate nursing care. Objective: To determine impact of work overload on nurses performance in a tertiary care hospital Lahore. Study Design: Quantitative descriptive study design was applied to determine impact of workload on nurses’ performances. Settings: Services Institute of Medical Sciences (SIMS), Lahore Pakistan. Duration: 6 moths from June 2022 to December 2022. Methods: 146 nurses participated and data collection was done by performance questionnaire. Nurses Age>25 and who were working in all departments of SIMS, Services Hospital Lahore. Nursing students were excluded. Facts collection permission was taken from the nursing superintendent and medical superintendent of Services Institute of Medical Sciences (SIMS) Services Hospital Lahore. Informed consent was taken by the participants in the study. Data was gathered by questionnaires of workload and nurses performances. Results: Results revealed that above 70% of participants showed that their performance increased during work related stress although quality care compromised but reflexes increased. They were able to manage the patient in very short time. Conclusion: This study concluded that there is positive, constructive and unidirectional impact of workload on nurses’ performance in a tertiary care hospital Lahore.

How to Cite
Naveed, A., Farooq, Z., Tariq, M., Siddique, A., Altaf, H., Noreen, N., & Zafar, M. (2023). Impact of Work Overload on Nurses Performance in A Tertiary Care Hospital Lahore. Annals of Punjab Medical College, 17(2), 254-257.