A Cross-Sectional Study to Assess the Dietary Intake and Habits of Expecting Women with Anemia
Background: Anemia is a condition categorized by low hemoglobin level. Worldwide communities bear heavy burden especially of pregnant particularly in multigravida females. Among many other factors, dietary intake habits of expecting women contribute mainly to the anemia in such patients. So, a study to probe association of dietary intake and habits with anemia will be helpful for community. Objective: To access the dietary habits of a multigravida pregnant female with anemia in patients of DHQ hospital, Faisalabad. Study Design: Cross-sectional Study. Settings: District Head Quarter Hospital, Faisalabad-Pakistan. Duration: July 2017 to August 2017 in a period of six weeks. Methodology: The research was carried out at hospitalized patients in Gynecology Unit 2. 120 patients were included after non-probability consecutive sampling and a questionnaire was filled after an interview by the primary investigator. Results: A total of 120 female were interviewed using a predefined questionnaire during this study. Among them, 63% of women were amenic and 37% of women were non-amenic. Among amenic women 13% were in their first trimester, 23% are in their second trimester and 27% are in their third trimester. About 92% of patients were taking normal 3 meals in a day while the rest of 23% patients had poor dietary habits with less than 3 meals in a day. 76% of women take chicken once a week. Out of 120 women, only 20% were consuming red meat twice a week while majority. 58% of women were taking citrus fruits daily as a source of vitamin C. Green vegetables were consumed by 102 women out of 120. 86% of women were taking beans and nuts as a part of their daily dietary intake. Conclusion: This study clearly shows that dietary intake and habits of pregnant female directly contributes towards development of anemia.