Antituberculous Treatment Induced ALT & ALP Derangements and The Role of Onion Extract in Male Albino Rats
Objective: Study was designed to investigate the biochemical derangements induced by antituberculous drugs and role of onion extract in male albino rats. Period; March to December 2008 Setting; Study was conducted on non-tuberculous male albino rats, which were kept in animal house of University of Health Sciences, Lahore. Materials and Methods: 48 male albino rats, obtained from NIH Islamabad weighing 200-250 gms were divided into four groups, each group consisting of 12 rats. Group A; received normal diet and fresh water orally. Group B; received normal diet, fresh water and antituberculous drugs orally. Group C; Received 100mg/kg body weight of onion extract and antituberculous drugs orally and Group D; Received 200mg/kg body weight of onion extracts and antituberculous drugs orally, Rats were treated with this regimen for 45 days. After the last administration, blood samples were collected. Serum samples were separated into sterile appendorf tubes and stored at -20 C until used for estimation. Following methods were followed for biochemical investigations. Estimation of Serum Alanineaminotransferase (ALT) and estimation of serum Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP). Results; In this biochemical study; There was a significant elevation in the levels of serum diagnostic marker enzymes (ALT, ALP) in group B antituberculosis drugs administered rats as compared to that of non-antituberculosis drugs administered in group A. Co-administration of onion extract and antituberculous drugs, decreased enzyme levels were noticed in a dose dependent manner in group C and group D rat’s serum samples. Conclusion; Antituberculous drugs causes significant elevations in the level of serum diagnostic marker enzymes (ALT and ALP) and onion extract lowers the enzyme levels indicating its cytoprotective effect.