Pattern of Intestinal Obstruction in Children – A Review of 200 Consecutive Cases
Objective: To identify the various causes of intestinal obstruction in children. Design: Retrospective study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Paediatric Surgery, Allied Hospital, Faisalabad from July 1995 to June 2009. Patients and Methods: The record of all children, between the age of 1 to 14 years, who presented with intestinal obstruction during the study period was reviewed. Results: Two hundred children presented with intestinal obstruction. It was not an uncommon cause for admission from the emergency department (12.1%) and constituted 7.4% of the children operated in the unit. They were predominantly males (75%). Average duration of symptoms was 3 days. The commonest causes were adhesions (31%), Meckel’s diverticulum with band (15.5%), volvulus (12%) and incarcerated inguinal hernia (11.5%). Wound infection (11%) and wound dehiscence (4%) were the common complications. Mortality rate was 2.5%. Conclusion: Intestinal obstruction is seen not infrequently in children and is associated with significant morbidity. Adhesions especially post operative have emerged as a leading cause. Early recognition and prompt treatment are needed.