Role of Intra Umblical Oxytocin injection in the Management of Retained Placenta

  • Naila Yasmeen Senior Registrar Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad
  • Mahmood Aleemn Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad
Keywords: Intra umbilical oxytocin, retained placenta


Objective: To determine the efficacy of intra umbilical oxytocin injection as a treatment for retained placenta. Design: Quasi experimental study. Place and duration of study: This was conducted at DHQ  Hospital Faisalabad over a period of two year from January 2005 to January 2007. Patients and  methods  A  total of 30 hemodynamically stable women having singleton pregnancy and vaginal delivery with retained placenta admitted in labour ward were selected. 20i. u of oxytocin diluted in 20cc normal saline was injected through the umbilical vein. Results: Thirty cases of retained placenta were managed during study period. The highest percentages of patients ( 66. 6%) with retained placenta were between the ages of 20 -30 years. Majority of patients ( 46. 6%) having parity between 1 to 4. 56. 6% of patients having gestation between 38 -39 weeks. Intra umbilical oxytocin injection was successful in 70 % of patients while 30% of patients required manual removal of placenta. 60% of patients expelled placenta in less than 10 minutes. Amount of blood loss was less than 80 ml in 71. 4%  of patients and 28. 5% of the patients received a blood transfusion. None of the patient developed side effects of the drug. Conclusion Injection of oxytocin intothe umbilical vein is a safe procedure that can cause placental separation and delivery and thus avoiding the anesthetic risk, genital tract trauma, and infection associated with manual removal of placenta.

How to Cite
Yasmeen, N., & Aleemn, M. (2010). Role of Intra Umblical Oxytocin injection in the Management of Retained Placenta. Annals of Punjab Medical College, 4(1), 1-4.