Diversity of Presentations In Decompensated Chronic Liver Disease Due To HCV
Background: An estimated 170 million people worldwide suffer from HCV infection. Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is often a clinically silent infection presenting many years after with complications related to decompensation, so. Objective: To emphasize the role of early detection and intervention in preventing complications of HCV related chronic liver disease. Materials And Methods: Newly diagnosed decompensated chronic liver disease (CLD) due to HCV infection presenting to respective hospitals during 2010. Study design: observational multicentre study. Results: Out of 340 new cases of decompensated chronic liver disease due to hepatitis C virus. 190 (56%) were females and 150 (54%) were male. In terms of presentation, patients were having overlapping symptoms and signs like ascites, jaundice, upper GI bleed and encephalopathy. 220 (64.7%) had clinical
ascites, 70 (20.5%) had spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, 130(38.2%) had altered conscious level and150 (44.1%) had upper GI bleed. It was inferred from history that 170(50%) patients with Hepatitis C were detected while being investigated for complaints other than liver disease. Other presentations included jaundice in 10(2.9%) 50 (14.7%) with previous upper GI bleed, 80 (23.5%) with CLD, 10 (2.9%) with epigastric discomfort and 20 (5.8%) had altered conscious level. 235 (69.1%) with Child’s Score B and 105(30.4%) with Child’s Score C.Conclusion: Majority of patients become aware only when complications set in. Early detection and interventions should be stressed because the available treatment options for the complications are beyond the reach of majority of patients and don’t have a permanent solution.