Catheter Related Infection (CRI): Comparison of Heparin Versus Citrate
Objective: To compare heparin versus citrate in cases with end stage renal disease (ERSD) maintaining on hemodialysis. Study Design: Randomized Controlled Trial. Settings: Nephrology Department of Allied Hospital, Faisalabad-Pakistan. Duration: 01-09-2017 to 01-03-2018. Methodology: A total of 70 cases on hemodialysis were enrolled. Randomization was done for division of patients in two groups. Heparin was given in Group-A cases while citrate in B Group. Follow up of patients was done till next session of hemodialysis. We sent blood cultures to see any episode of CRI. Results: CRI was present in 37.1%(n=13) v/s 14.3%(n=5) in Group A & B, p: 0.029. Conclusion: Citrate as compared to heparin is having significant lower rate of CRI in cases on hemodialysis with ERSD. However, heparin may be used in routine practice.