Costal Cartilage Graft in Augmentation Rhinoplasty
Objective: This study was carried out to see merits and demerits of autologus costal cartilage graft in augmentation rhinoplasty. Study Design: Prospective. Setting: Study was carried out in the department of ENT Allied Hospital Faisalabad from Sep 2007 to Sep 2012. Material And Methods: The majority of patients were admitted through ENT outpatient department. The data was collected on the basis of history, physical examination, investigations, photography,management and follow up.Total 60 patients suffering from saddle deformity of nose 40 males (67%) and 20 females (33%) between 16 years to 50 years of age were include in the study. The majority of patients were from 3rd decade of life (80%). Theduration of deformity in majority of patients was within 2 years (70%). Majority of patients belonged to the lower class (80%). In all the patients indication for augmentation rhinoplasty was cosmetic (100%). In all patients autologus costal cartilage graft was used (100%). The etiological factor for saddle deformity in majority of cases was trauma (50%). The donor site temporary morbidity was 12% as compare to other complications. Overall success rate was 100%. Revision surgery was not done in any case (0%). Conclusion: The autologus costal cartilage graft has excellent outcome in augmentation rhinoplasty with minimal complications.