Comparison of Sensitivity and Specificity of Blue Yellow Primetry versus Standard Automated Primetry in Early / Glaucoma Suspect Patients

  • Ejaz Ahmad Javed Assistant Professor Ophthalmology PMC/Allied Hospital Faisalabad
  • Muhammad Nawaz Associate Professor Ophthalmology PMC/Allied Hospital Faisalabad
  • Muhammad Ahmad Associate Professor Ophthalmology Isalam Medical College, Sialkot
  • Muhammad Sultan Professor of Ophthalmology PMC/Allied Hospital Faisalabad
Keywords: Early glaucoma suspect, short wavelength automated perimetry (SWAP), standard automated perimetry (SAP), Visual field defects Best corrected visual Acuity (BCVA).


Purpose: To compare the sensitivity and specificity of short wavelength automated Perimetry (SWAP) with standard automated perimetry (SAP) using the SITA program to detect early or glaucoma suspect patients. Study Design: Cross sectional prospective and comperitative study of perimetric diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of two perimetric methods in early or glaucoma suspect patients. Study Duration: June 2010 – May 2012. Materials and Methods: Fifty patients with ocular hypertension, early glaucoma or suspect patients were enrolled for the perimetric tests. After complete ophthalmic examination, each patient was tested with the standard automated perimetry (SAP), 30-2 thrice and then on short wavelength automated perimetry (SWAP; 24-2) once. Results: The average MD in the SWAP group was significantly higher than in the SAP Group (SWAP – 6.55ds SAP- 2.60dbP<0.001). A significant difference also existed in PSD between the two groups (SWAP: 3.50db, SAP 2.50db, P<0.001). The test time was longer in the SWAP group than in the SAP group (SWAP: 15min, SAP 13min P<0.001). However the sensitivity indices were in normal limits. There were significant differences in number of depressed test point locations between two tests strategies. The number of eyes showing cluster of significantly depressed points were more with the SWAP test strategy than with SAP. Conclusion: The SITA, SWAP identified at least much earlier glaucomatous visual field defects than SITA, SAP. The study showed that greater MD and PSD with SWAP.

How to Cite
Javed, E. A., Nawaz, M., Ahmad, M., & Sultan, M. (2013). Comparison of Sensitivity and Specificity of Blue Yellow Primetry versus Standard Automated Primetry in Early / Glaucoma Suspect Patients. Annals of Punjab Medical College, 7(1), 90-95.