Anxiety Life Interference and Self Concept of Slow Learners

  • Tariq Rashid Assistant Professor of Psychiatry Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad
  • Ayesha . Headmistress, Govt. Institute for Slowlearner, Jhang Clinical Psychologist Saadisha Psychological Services (SPS), Faisalabad
  • Saadia Naureen Clinical Psychologist Saadisha Psycholoical Services (SPS), Faisalabad
Keywords: Slow Learners, Anxiety Life Interference, Self Concept


Objective: The study was designed to assess anxiety and its interference in life of slow learners, their self concept and find out relationship between anxiety and self concept. Study Design: Descriptive Case Series. Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted from March, 2012 to October, 2012 in Government Special Education Institute for Slow Learners, Jhang. Method: Sample (N=54) was comprised of children, drawn from Government special Education Institute for Slow Learners, Jhang through purposive sampling technique. Participants were identified as slow learners on the basis of Mental State Examination (MSE) and Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices (CPM). The test booklet comprised of three instruments including, Informed Consent Form, Children Anxiety Life Interference Scale (CALIS) and Self-Perception Profile for Children (SPPC).

Descriptive analysis and Pearson Correlation coefficient was used to analyze and make inferences from the data collected from the sample by using SPSS version 13. Results: Descriptive analysis showed that slow learners (M=25.54, SD=6.59), N=54 on anxiety scale and (M=62.80, SD=11.38), N=54 on self perception profile as Athletic Competence  (M=13.96, SD=3.13), Conduct (M=12.15, SD=2.45), Peer Acceptance (M=13.37, SD=3.13), Physical Appearance (M=12.72, SD=1.88) and Scholastic Competence (M=10.76, SD=2.39) that indicate negative self concept with moderate level of anxiety and  correlation (**P<0.01) of anxiety life interference and self-perception profile. Conclusion: Slow Learner Children have moderate level of anxiety and negative self-concept.


How to Cite
Rashid, T., ., A., & Naureen, S. (2013). Anxiety Life Interference and Self Concept of Slow Learners. Annals of Punjab Medical College, 7(1), 30-34.