Single Sheet Skin Graft Coverage as Treatment of Post Burn Ectropion of Eyelids

  • Zahid Mahmood Nagra Associate professor, Plastic surgery & Burns PMC/Allied Hospital, Faisalabad
  • Tamsil Ahsan Shafaat Medical Officer Dept. of Plastic surgery & Burns, Allied Hospital, Faisalabad
Keywords: post burn contracture, ectropion, split thickness skin graft, sheet graft coverage


Objective: To describe the results of single sheet skin grafting after release of  post burn contracture in both eye-lids of same eye. Study design: case series Place and duration of study:       Department of Plastic Surgery and Burns, Allied hospital, PMC, Faisalabad from July 2012 to March 2014. Methodology:       All the patients with post burn contracture of upper and lower lid contracture of the same eye who presented in OPD and were operated for contracture release followed by coverage with single split thickness sheet graft (STSG) , were included in the study. Variables considered were age, gender, mechanism of burn injury and histories of previous surgeries for the same problem. Outcome measures were studied in terms of improvement of contracture release, complications, recurrence and patient satisfaction. Results: A total of 24 patients were included in study. Male to female ratio was 2:1, age ranged from 19 to 45 years. 16 patients presented with history of flame burn, 05 patients were with scald burn and 03 were chemical burn contractures. All of them were operated for upper and lower lid contracture release of same eye with skin graft coverage with a single sheet of STSG. There were improvements in eye lid closure, recurrence rate was very less and all of the patients were satisfied with the results. Complications occurred in 20 % of patients including partial graft failure and irritation in eye. Conclusion:    Sheet graft coverage after post burn contracture release of upper and lower eyelids is an effective procedure for durable correction and to prevent recurrence of contracture.

How to Cite
Nagra, Z. M., & Shafaat, T. A. (2014). Single Sheet Skin Graft Coverage as Treatment of Post Burn Ectropion of Eyelids. Annals of Punjab Medical College, 8(1), 66-72.