Role of Educational Technologies in Improving Student’s Performance in Medical Education
Objectives: To find out the opinion and experience of students about the role of educational technologies regarding improvement in their performance. Study Design: A Cross-Sectional Study. Study Population: Medical Students of Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad.
Sample Size & Sampling Technique: 200 Students were selected by convenience sampling technique. Study Tool: A Pre-Tested, Semi-Structured Questionnaire was prepared regarding the opinion and experience of students about their performance due to educational technology. Study Area/ Duration: Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad, May-June, 2012. Inclusion Criteria. Only regular students attending the teaching classes were included in the study. Exclusion Criteria. Casual and irregular Students were excluded from the study. Results: Majority of the students 50%
responded that White Board teaching method was a better tool to enhance their performance in the University examinations. While in the opinion of 32.5% of students internet was a better source of knowledge. Fifteen percent (15%) students were of the opinion that multimedia teaching method improved their performance in the studies. Only 2.5% students responded that projector / transparency was a better way of teaching. Conclusion: Majority of the students were of the opinion that the traditional white board teaching method was a better tool to enhance their knowledge and study performance. 32.5% of the students had experience of updating their knowledge by internet. So, it is concluded from the above study that traditional white board teaching and internet facilities are better tools to enhance the performance of students in their studies.