Maternal Outcome after Conservative Management of “Placenta Accreta”
Objective: To find out maternal outcome after conservative management of “placenta accreta” Study design: Case series. Place and Duration of Study: Allied Hospital, Faisalabad from 1st July 2006 to 30th June 2015. Material & Methods: 22 patients with placenta accreta, where fertility was desired were selected for conservative management. Patient who were hemodynamically unstable after delivery of the fetus due to massive hemorrhage or those who presented with prolonged rupture of membrane were excluded from studyResults: Conservative management was successful in 19 (86.36%) patients in terms of uterine conservation. However, 03 (13.64%) patients developed PPH and 02 (9.09%) developed postpartum endometritis. Hysterectomy was done in 03 (13.64%) patients. No mortality took place. Conclusion: Conservative management of placenta accreta is a reasonable option in selected cases where fertility is desired. However, it requires regular follow-up till complete resorption or expulsion of placenta.