To Explore the Relationship and Difference of Life Satisfaction and Emotional Expressivity among Adolescence in Joint and Nuclear Family

  • Tariq Rashid Associate Professor, Psychiatry University Medical and Dental College, Faisalabad
  • Sana Mustafa Clinical Psychologist, Psychiatry University Medical and Dental College, Faisalabad
Keywords: Satisfaction, Emotional expressivity, Joint and nuclear family


Objectives: The aim of present study is to investigate and examine the relationship of emotional expressivity and life satisfaction between male and female. Further, the study also examines gender  differences of perceived life satisfaction and emotional expressivity and comparison between nuclear and joint family system among the respondents were also investigated Sample of the study consisted of n=30 of early adult, aged 19-25 drawn from university in Faisalabad. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: The sample was taken from GC University and different areas of Faisalabad. The duration of study was from August 2015 to November2015. Methodology: The Diner’s Life Satisfaction Scale and The Ann M. Kring, David A Smith and John M. Neale Emotional Expressivity Scale used to check out the effect of emotion in this study. The results indicated that there would be significant relationship on emotional expressivity and Life satisfaction between male and females. We used correlation research design. Use of SPSS to find the results. The study result that is based on small sample can be generalized on large population which can build positive approach in people toward their future life. Results: In this study used the correlation research design for measuring in which degree the both variables are correlate to each. Otherwise study consisted on a sample of N= 30 participants which are divided in sub sample n= 15 male and n= 15 female. In this study used SPSS 3rd version for analysis the result and collection on data. Results shows that there was positive relationship between expressivity and life satisfaction (r= .522* with M= 60.42 & SD= 11.85) for emotional expressivity scale and M= 60.12 & SD= 11.20 for life satisfaction scale) therefore, the hypothesis was accepted which states that expressivity is positively related with life satisfaction while there was no difference in the level of life satisfaction and emotional expressivity between the two sexes. Conclusion: Thus, it can be concluded from the above discussion that is positive relationship between life satisfaction and emotional expressivity. It also concludes that male and female are living in same environment they both are equal on life satisfaction and Expressivity of emotions. The environmental factors are equally affected on their life satisfaction and Expressivity of emotions.

How to Cite
Rashid, T., & Mustafa, S. (2016). To Explore the Relationship and Difference of Life Satisfaction and Emotional Expressivity among Adolescence in Joint and Nuclear Family. Annals of Punjab Medical College, 10(2), 92-96.