Comparison of Efficacy of Sublingual Misoprostol and Intravenous Syntometrine In the Active Management of Third Stage of Labour
Objective: To compare the efficacy of sublingual misoprostol and intravenous syntometrine in the active management of the third stage of labour. Study Design: It was an interventional, quasi experimental. Setting: Obstetrics and Gynecology department of Allied Hospital\Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad Duration: From 1st Nov, 2007 to 30th April 2008. Methods: 100 women were selected and randomly divided into two groups, group A (odd number) and group B (even number) by using random numbers table.600 micrograms sublingual misoprostol was given to Group A and 1 ml of intravenous syntometrine (1ml=5 IU syntocinon and 0.5 mg ergometrine) was given to Group B at the delivery of anterior shoulder of the baby. Results: As regards the efficacy of sublingual misoprostol and I.V. syntometrine, the amount of mean blood loss and use of additional uterotonics, results were not statistically significant. None of the patients required manual removal of placenta and there was no case of prolonged third stage of labour (≥ 30 min) in both the groups. None of the patients developed blood loss ≥ 500 ml and no blood transfusion required in both groups. There was no statistically significant difference in incidence of nausea and vomiting but shivering and fever were more frequent in misoprostol group. Conclusion: Misoprostol is as effective as I.V. syntometrine in the management of third stage of labour and can be used as safe and cheaper alternative.