Profile of Ocular Trauma in Patients Under the Age of Sixteen Years in Allied Hospital, Faisalabad

  • Muhammad Nabeel Sultan Medical Student, 4th Year MBBS Independent Medical College, Faisalabad
  • Ejaz Ahmed Javed Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology PMC / Allied Hospital, Faisalabad
  • Muhammad Nawaz Associate Professor, Ophthalmology PMC / Allied Hospital, Faisalabad
Keywords: Pediatric ocular trauma, House hold objects, Prevention of ocular trauma


Aims & Objectives: Evaluation of epidemiological contributing factors in occurrence of ocular trauma in patients under the age of 16 years. Study Design: Descriptive and analytical study carried on 216 children. Period: 13-02-2014 to 26-12-2015. Setting: At Ophthalmological Department, Allied Hospital, PMC, Faisalabad. Patients and Methods: The patients with eye injury who presented to the ophthalmological Department of Allied Hospital, PMC, FSD from 13-02-2014 to 26-12-2015 were included in the study. The Activity at the time of injury, place of injury, identifiable objects causing trauma, age 1-16 years, any sex, use of eye protectors, were noted. Results: Out of 216 patients, there were 166 male (76.85 %) while female were 50 (23.15 %). There were 76 patients having age between 0-5 years while 78 (36.11 %) were between 6-10 years of age. Out of 216 only 62 (28.7 %) patients were of age between 11 years to 16 years. The injuries due to knife and scissors, occurred in home and were the commonest (17.59 %). The injuries occurring due to fire cracker and vegetable matter outside home were also common 16.20% and 13.89 % respectively. The fist and hand bite injuries in this group were least common (0.93 %). In our setting commonest eye injuries involving corneo-scleral were (35+25) (27.78 %). The frequency of subconjuctival hemorrhage was 11.11 %. The cases having lid tear and canicular cut were 6.48 %. Conclusion: Ocular trauma is an important cause of preventable visual morbidity particularly among younger people who are at the lower risk for chronic ocular diseases. Pediatric ocular trauma is a common cause of ophthalmic consultation.

How to Cite
Sultan, M. N., Javed, E. A., & Nawaz, M. (2016). Profile of Ocular Trauma in Patients Under the Age of Sixteen Years in Allied Hospital, Faisalabad. Annals of Punjab Medical College, 10(4), 228-232.