Anxiety in Recurrent Urinary Stone Formers

  • Muhammad Sheraz Javed PGR / Medical Officer, Urology Allied Hospital, Faisalabad
  • Sana Tahir House Officer Allied Hospital, Faisalabad
  • Muhammad Awais Javed Final Year MBBS Student Faisalabad Medical University, Faisalabad
  • Ghulam Mahboob Subhani Associate Professor, Urology FMU / Allied Hospital, Faisalabad
  • Safdar Hassan Javed Head of Urology & Kidney Transplantation FMU / Allied Hospital, Faisalabad
Keywords: Recurrent urinary stone formers, anxiety


Prevalence of urinary stone is on the rise day by day among different populations and significant rise in recurrence of the morbidity is found in last three decades. Because of symptoms of pain, hematuria and fever, recurrence of urinary stone is associated with many psychological disturbances among which anxiety is very much prevalent and is associated with poor patient compliance towards management and even progress to depression in many patients. Objective: Objective of our study was to find out prevalence of anxiety by determining its frequency in patients with recurrent urinary stone, so that early diagnosis can be helpful in institution of early management. Setting/Place and duration: Study conducted in Department of Urology and Kidney Transplantation, Allied Hospital, Faisalabad for 4 months from September 2016 to December 2016. Methodology: 78 patients were enrolled in study according to inclusion and exclusion criteria and included patients being entertained in indoor and outdoor facility of Department of Urology and Kidney Transplantation, Allied Hospital, Faisalabad for recurrent stone formation. Anxiety was assessed by using Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) and results were determined for prevalence of disease and association of morbidity in such patients in terms of variables of age and gender. Results: Total 78 patients were enrolled in study from age 15-60 years with mean age as 33.6 years. Among 78, 41 were male patients and 37 were female. Patients were stratified in to three age groups; G-1 (15-30 years), G-2 (31 to 45 years) and G-3 (46-60 years). When anxiety was assessed, 66 out of 78 patients (84.6%) were found to have anxiety while only 12 (15.4%) were without disease with p value less than 0.05 showing significance for presence of anxiety among recurrent stone formers. Among males, 33 patients (80.5%) were with anxiety and among females 33 (89.2%) were found to have the morbidity. Anxiety appearance and its effect assessed with response to gender cross-tabulation and Pearson Chi-square test applied and no statistical response found with gender variable. Severity of disease and its association with gender and age group simultaneously and found that anxiety severity corresponds to different age groups and is mild disease is relatively more prevalent in middle age group persons and moderate to severe symptoms more in young age group patients (p value <0.005) and females are more prone to have anxiety severity as compared to males. Conclusion: it is concluded that anxiety is significantly present among patients with recurrent urinary stone formation with females more prone to develop symptoms as compared to males and elderly patients are more predispose to have moderate to severe symptoms. So in such patients, early assessment for presence of anxiety and institution of prompt treatment will be helpful in patient’s management.

How to Cite
Javed, M. S., Tahir, S., Javed, M. A., Subhani, G. M., & Javed, S. H. (2017). Anxiety in Recurrent Urinary Stone Formers. Annals of Punjab Medical College, 11(2), 83-88.