To Determine the Frequency of Various Factors Leading to Uncontrolled Asthma in Asthmatic Population (>16 Years of Age)

  • Saqib Musharaf Assistant Professor, Pulmonology Faisalabad Medical University, Faisalabad
  • Umar Usman Assistant Professor, Pulmonology Faisalabad Medical University, Faisalabad
  • Muhammad Irfan Assistant Professor Faisalabad Medical University, Faisalabad
Keywords: Uncontrolled asthma, Inhaler technique, Use of oral medication, Poor compliance, Use of alternative medicine


Objective: To determine the frequency of various factors leading to un-controlled asthma in our asthmatics population (> 16 years of age). Study Design: Cross-sectional survey. Setting: Indoor and out-patient clinics of Department of Pulmonology of Jinnah Hospital, Lahore.  Duration: Study was carried out over a period of six months from 27-08-2014 to 26-02-2015. Sample Size: Total 120 cases of uncontrolled bronchial asthma were included in this study. Methodology: Total 120 cases of uncontrolled bronchial asthma were included in this study. Upon presentation, each patient was asked for general questionnaire.  Results: According to distribution of cases by age, majority of the patients 29.0% were between 21-30 years and minim 11.5% cases were more than 50 years of age with mean age of 33.5±4.1 years. Out of 120 patients, 81 cases (67.5%) were male and remaining 39 patients (32.5%) were female. Regarding factors leading to uncontrolled asthma, 32 (26.6%) patients used alternative medicine, 16 (13.3%) patients used oral medication, 59 (49.1%) patients used inhaler improperly while poor compliance was found to be in 63 (52.5%) patients. Conclusion: Self-monitoring and subsequent treatment adjustment on weekly basis can leads to improved asthma control in patients with uncontrolled asthma at baseline.

How to Cite
Musharaf, S., Usman, U., & Irfan, M. (2017). To Determine the Frequency of Various Factors Leading to Uncontrolled Asthma in Asthmatic Population (>16 Years of Age). Annals of Punjab Medical College, 11(3), 213-216.