Foreword Message from the Chief Editor

  • Aamir Husain Editor in Chief, Annals of Punjab Medical College (APMC) Faisalabad Medical University, Faisalabad Pakistan
Keywords: Foreword Message from the Chief Editor


Dear Esteemed Colleagues and Readers of Annals of PMC,

I trust when the new issue will be with you, you will be in good health with the same fervour for scientific exploration that propels us forward here at Faisalabad Medical University.

I extend a warm welcome to everyone to the new issue of our institution journal. It is my privilege to present this compilation of articles, research highlights, and other scientific writings from the diverse spectrum of science from whole country.

Within this issue, you will uncover the vitality and richness of our researchers, whose curiosity is boundless, and revolution flourishes. Our institution is a hub for interdisciplinary research and team projects, from the labs where novel discoveries are made to the classrooms where information is exchanged.

In the forthcoming issue of Annal of Punjab Medical Collage, anticipate enlightening articles showcasing some of our recent accomplishments. These narratives not only showcase our commitment to research and innovation but also highlight the real difference we are making in tackling today's issues.

This magazine offers a glimpse into the remarkable work undertaken by my team in the editorial board to collect, refine and make all the received writing to quinch your thirst of knowledge in the field of research and innovation.

In a world marked by covenant change and opportunities, the significance of scientific research and discovery has never been more pronounced. It is our shared responsibility to push the boundaries of knowledge, to seek solutions to global challenges, and to inspire the next generation of scientists and innovators.

I cordially encourage you to peruse the contents of this issue, as it reflects our shared enthusiasm for learning and offers an outlook on the direction of scientific advancement. Recently we were recognized by DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journal), and we are striving hard to be recognized with the Scopus and web of science.

I would want to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who has contributed to our magazine and to our readers for their steadfast interest and support. By working together, we can continue to influence science's course and positively impact society.

Warm regards,


Editor in Chief, Annals of Punjab Medical College (APMC)

Faisalabad Medical University, Faisalabad Pakistan

How to Cite
Husain, A. (2024). Foreword Message from the Chief Editor. Annals of Punjab Medical College, 18(1).