Assessment of Quality of Life of Patients with Type-II Diabetes Mellitus

  • Muhammad Faheem Yousaf Medical Superintendent, Allied Hospital, Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • Asdia Aslam Lecturer, College of Nursing, Allied Hospital, Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • Zeenaf Aslam PhD Scholar, Institute of Nursing Sciences, Khyber Medical University, Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Farhan Mukhtar Associate Professor, University College of Nursing, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Pakistan
Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, Quality of life, Diabetes complications, Patients


Background: Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder that negatively affects the quality of life in context of physical, psychological and social health or well-being. Objective: Current study aimed to assess the quality of life with type 2 diabetes and determine its association with demographic variations of study participants. Study Design: A descriptive cross-sectional study design was used to assess the quality of life of Diabetes patient type 2 with the structured questionnaire of the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQoL-BREF) was adopted. Settings: The study was conducted in the outpatient department (OPD) of Allied Hospital, Faisalabad Pakistan. Duration: Data was collected from April 2022 to June 2022. Methods: Total of 450 patients with type 2 diabetes were recruited according to inclusion criteria. Results: A total of 450 patients with DM-2, and mean age of 53.8 ± 10.2 years and 50.7%were males and 49.3% were females. Overall, 44.2% of participants rated moderate and 40% were found satisfactory in terms of good Quality of Life. Mean stress score of QoL domains: physical (51 ± 10.8), psychological (48.04 ± 12.6), social relationship (53.3 ± 19.6), and environmental health (46.1 ± 13.9). To determine the association multiple linear regression model was used. Significant association were seen between age, marital status, Body Mass Index (BMI), and monthly income with QoL four domains(p<0.05). Fasting Glucose Sugar (FBS) was negatively associated with QoL domains, except environmental health. Conclusion: Overall, the present study has clearly shown that DM2 alters the QoL of patients and patients reported moderate level QoL, and its significant association with demographic parameters of study participants such as age, gender, and household income.


How to Cite
Yousaf, M. F., Aslam, A., Aslam, Z., & Mukhtar, F. (2023). Assessment of Quality of Life of Patients with Type-II Diabetes Mellitus. Annals of Punjab Medical College, 17(2), 168-173.