Evaluation of Oral Hygiene Behaviors and Their Influence on the Dental Abrasion Severity

  • Sobia Siddique Associate Professor of Oral Pathology Watim Medical & Dental College, Rawalpindi Pakistan
  • Sumaira Nasir Senior Registrar, Department of Periodontology Shahida Islam Dental Collage, Lodhran Pakistan
  • Muhammad Shairaz Sadiq Associate Professor & HOD of Oral Medicine Institute of Dentistry, CMH Lahore Medical College, Lahore Pakistan
  • Aiema Nawaz Dentist, Department of Dentistry, CMH Lahore Medical College, Lahore Pakistan
  • Shibra Khurshid Consultant Dental Surgeon, 52-B, Johar Town Lahore Pakistan
  • Mustafa Qadeer Associate Professor, Department of Oral Biology, Institute of Dentistry, CMH Lahore Medical College, National University of Medical Sciences, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Keywords: Dental abrasion, Tooth brushing behaviors, Cervical lesions, Oral hygiene practices, Tooth wear, Prevalence


Background: Dental abrasion, a common issue, results from oral hygiene behaviors like aggressive tooth brushing or improper use of abrasive dental products. Objective: To evaluate the oral hygiene behaviors and their influence on the dental abrasion severity. Study Design: Cross sectional study. Settings: Dentistry Department of Watim Medical & Dental College, Rawalpindi Pakistan. Duration: From November 2022 to April 2023. Methods: Total 175 individuals aged 18-65 years with varying oral hygiene practices were included in study. Exclusion criteria included those with significant dental anomalies, systemic conditions affecting oral health, and a history of extensive dental restorations. Informed consent was secured from all participants, emphasizing the voluntary nature of participation and confidentiality of their information. Clinical assessments were conducted by calibrated dental professionals using standardized criteria for dental abrasion severity. Dental impressions, intraoral photographs, and oral hygiene behavior surveys were utilized to collect comprehensive data. The severity of dental abrasion was graded on a standardized scale. Collected data was analysed in SPSS version 22. Results: In terms of age distribution, the majority were between 26-35 years old, constituting 37.1% of the total, followed by those aged 18-25 years (22.9%). Gender-wise, there were slightly more females (54.3%) than males (45.7%) in the study. Among those with abrasion, the severity varied, with 25.7% experiencing mild abrasion, 42.9% having moderate abrasion, and 31.4% exhibiting severe abrasion. For males, the prevalence of dental abrasion was significantly higher, with 17.1% experiencing mild abrasion, 14.3% having moderate abrasion, and 8.6% exhibiting severe abrasion, as indicated by a p-value less than 0.05. Conclusion: Our study reveals a considerable prevalence of dental abrasion among the study population, with 61.71% exhibiting its presence. Further categorization demonstrates varying degrees of severity, encompassing mild (25.7%), moderate (42.9%), and severe (31.4%) abrasion.

How to Cite
Siddique, S., Nasir, S., Sadiq, M. S., Nawaz, A., Khurshid, S., & Qadeer, M. (2023). Evaluation of Oral Hygiene Behaviors and Their Influence on the Dental Abrasion Severity. Annals of Punjab Medical College, 17(4), 467-470. https://doi.org/10.29054/apmc/2023.1286