Assessment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Risk Among Pregnant Women at A Tertiary Care Hospitals in Lahore Pakistan

  • Ghuzala Anwar MSN Student, Lahore School of Nursing, University of Lahore, Lahore Pakistan
  • Adnan Yaqoob Assistant Professor, Lahore School of Nursing, The University of Lahore, Lahore Pakistan
  • Muhammad Afzal Principal, Lahore School of Nursing, University of Lahore, Lahore Pakistan
Keywords: Obstructive sleep apnea risk, Pregnant women, Frequency of OSA risk


Background: Repeated partial or complete closure of the upper airway while you sleep is a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). OSA is frequently associated with pregnancy but in many patients it may go undetected which can result in complications for both mother and the off spring. Objective: To assess obstructive sleep apnea risk among pregnant women at tertiary care hospitals in Lahore, Pakistan. Study Design: Cross sectional study. Settings: Lady Atchison and Lady Willingdon) of Lahore, Pakistan. Duration: Six months from May 01, to October 30, 2022. Methods: Study was conducted with 288 pregnant females from two public sector maternity hospitals. Results: The majority of females 125 (43.4%) were between age 27-33 years. While almost all n=272 (96.4) had a gestational age >24 weeks. The results further revealed that among 288 pregnant females, 151 (52.4%) reported to have high risk for OSA while 137 (47.6%) had low risk for OSA. Conclusion: Most of the participants reported to have high risk of OSA. In order to reduce the burden of high-risk OSA and its foreseen complications, health care professionals must identify pregnant females for the risk of OSA during the beginning course of their follow-up.

How to Cite
Anwar, G., Yaqoob, A., & Afzal, M. (2022). Assessment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Risk Among Pregnant Women at A Tertiary Care Hospitals in Lahore Pakistan. Annals of Punjab Medical College, 16(4), 231-233.